Sunday, September 7, 2008


Tagged by Cassie

I am: in pain. Sliced my thumb open earlier to today with a butcher knife. IDIOT!

I think: it's time to go to bed.

I know: how to act out many scene's from Star Wars. Not sure why I'm admitting this.

I want: my kids to get a good nights sleep, in other words, I want a good nights sleep.
I have: the cutest kids!
I dislike: people driving slow in the fast lane. Seriously, it's called the FAST LANE!
I miss: my family and friends from Davis County. We haven't seen them as much as we'd like.
I fear: not being prepared for natural disasters, losing my kids in a public place, and spiders of course.
I feel: lucky to have a great husband and happy and healthy kids.
I hear: Andy say "Neeemo?" all day long.
I smell: EVERYTHING when I'm pregnant. And FYI I can't smell anything these days.
I crave: candy all day long. I wonder why I'm so tired.
I cry: when I laugh.
I usually: stay up way too late.
I search: Pottery Barn's website, knowing I can't buy anything.
I wonder: what my boys will be like in 10 years.
I regret: not getting involved in sports in high school and focusing on things that were not important.
I love: when Hayden gives me flowers he picked from the neighbors yard:)
I care: about family and friends.
I always: drink too much Dr. Pepper. I can't stop!
I worry: I spend too much time cleaning my house and not nearly enough time playing with my kids.
I am not: very patient. Need to work on that.
I remember: not a whole lot, I've always had the worst memory, and it has not improved since I've had kids.
I believe: my tire is flat on my car. Fantastic.
I dance: Never. I suck at dancing.
I sing: in the car when the volume is way up so I can pretend I sound good.
I don't always: mow my lawn, sorry neighbors.
I argue: with the TV like a crazy person, pretty sure McCain and Obama can't hear me.
I write: on my blog not nearly enough. If you're reading this you already know that.
I win: at Mario Kart.
I lose: my car keys on a regular basis.
I wish: I was more decisive.
I listen: to more movies than I see.
I don't understand: math, not left brained at all.
I can usually be found: at home with my kids.
I am scared: of public speaking.
I need: more sleep. I think I already said that.
I forget: EVERYTHING! It's so sad.
I am happy: when I'm just hangin with family and friends.

I tag: Nicole, Danielle and Laci S.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Hayden's Getting Learned!

Hayden had his first day of preschool on Tuesday, and he was so excited! Mostly because he could bring his lightsaber for show and tell. He's enrolled at a neighborhood preschool with his cousin Thatcher, the two of them will keep Miss Kathy pretty busy!! He was so cute walking around with his little school bag. Andy didn't like being left behind, but had a nice uninterrupted nap! I can't believe he's in school already! Time goes by way too fast!