Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Birds and the Bees

An Interview with Harry the Tarantula

I picked out this book from the library thinking Hayden would love a spider book! Not so much. When reading to Hayden before bedtime, Mike about died when he started reading this page:

(The spider is being interviewed by another bug)
Q:What do you do that you have to be quick about, if you don't mind my asking?

A: I have to transfer my web sack of sperm to her. I must be very careful and tap her in all the right places. Tapping puts her in a romantic mood. Then I transfer my sack, and I'm out of there in a flash. So far, so good. I can thank my lucky stars.

Mike started laughing hysterically! Hayden was a little confused! Seriously...come on people! This book is for kids!
If anyone needs to have "The" talk, let me know, I'll send this book right over.


Nathan and Lara said...

Oh my gosh...that is too great. I love that story. I guess Hayden got the talk a little early then huh? I guess you can't judge a book by its cover.

spenceandcass said...

LOL! That is sooo funny!

heidi said...

I love it! I know what is going to be at the top of my shopping list! I was telling Justin about this, and he thought it was pretty funny too! Next time we see you I will have to tell you about our talk with Jake about this subject.

Nicole said...

That is hilarious. I can't believe that book got published!

Danielle said...

Tap tap tap...

M. Drape said...

bah ha ha hua ha. I can just picture Mike reading that. Funny stuff.

Val and Shauna Steed said...

Hilarious story. That book has to be right up there with "Everybody Poops", a classic for every family. Maybe it could be Peggy's Christmas book this year! You'll have to suggest it!

T.A.T.I Crew said...

What the...!?
