Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Go Mets!

So we signed Hayden up for T-Ball with two of his cousins. They all had a total blast.......doing everything but playing T-Ball. Hayden was always searching through everyone's purse to find some candy. It was always ridiculously hot, and one time I caught Hayden hiding under some strangers chair for some shade. Poor kid. Hayden was always wandering off the field to go play somewhere else, and Andy was always wandering onto the field yelling "ball? ball?". Couldn't keep Hayden on the field and couldn't keep Andy off. They were some busy games. Luckily Mike was able to make it to almost all of the games! We'll give soccer a try next year.
Yes Hayden, baseball really is this boring.

Hayden's cousin Thatcher, running anywhere EXCEPT the bases!

The Mets were an intimidating force all season!

Hayden with his cousins, Thatcher and Trenton.

Again, not running to a base, but running nonetheless.

"See Hayden! This is how it is done!"

Trenton, Hayden's cousin.

Strike Four!

Andy sure had fun though!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Mike is Fired!

So last Saturday, we were driving down Bountiful Blvd trying to find the park where Mike's 10 year reunion was being held.  When all of a sudden Mike sees a cop car with its lights on behind him and pulls over to the side of the road.  Turns out...he was driving 17 mph over the speed limit and the cop had been following us for several minutes.  He did not seem happy.  To make matters worse, Mike didn't even have is driver's license on him.  

After the cop had gotten our information and walked back to his car to write the ticket, Hayden  shouted from the back seat, "Dad...YOU'RE FIRED!!"  I don't know where he got that from, but it lightened the mood a bit.  

(The cop was nice enough not to give us a ticket, however, he did give Mike a big lecture on how he needs to pay attention more when he drives.)